Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Faux Pas - Lostworks

Lostworks cover art

I was originally going to review "Remixes" but I decided to give this album a good listen through just for measure, and in all honesty I could not stand by and not review this. That's not to say that "Remixes" isn't good, but man I really like "Lostworks". It's just so good, and drone-y, while still being pretty fun to listen to and dark. This definitely goes on my list of must have albums, next to Boards of Canada's "Geogaddi".

"Organan" starts of really drone-y, and slow. It's relaxed, but also dark in such a way that it could be played in the background of some Doctor Who fan-made video and be fitting. It later kicks this disco vibe into effect and becomes bouncy, a new breed of fun-dark. This song is actually what made me want to review this album in lieu of "Remixes". Something about the playful disco rhythm that occasionally bounces in and out of the song really just grabs me and keeps me in the song. It's an absolutely lovely track, and it makes me excited to see where he takes his next albums. "Maximus" starts off being a sort of hodgepodge of things I'd like to hear in songs more often, a quiet main instrument, sparkly side instruments, a nicely side-chained deep bass. It's a fun song, while still being dark. So far this is my favorite thing about this album so far; every song is rather dark, and drone-y, and beautiful, but fun and bouncy. The sparkly notes towards the end make me think of new wave, while the drums make me think of Fischer Spooner. The trumpet thrown in later makes me think of Pretty Lights meets Afternoons in Stereo. There isn't a single thing I'm not absolutely in love with in this track, the vocal interludes are wonderfully integrated, and I love the glitched drum beat that jumps in for a while every now and then.

"I Will Follow (Gilmore Grillz)" reminds me a lot of Royksopp, especially "Melody AM". Any song that reminds me of that within the first few bars is a great one in my books. The glitch-y sparkly notes playing around in the background like kids in a new park are great, and the vocal sampling is fun, and a nice job of turning vocals into an integral instrument without making them make any sense. Faux Pas has this really nice way of adding a disco beat to things and making them my favorite song. It also manages to maintain that Royksopp feel throughout the whole song, until the very end when it chops and screws a song I can't say I've heard before.  Definitely a nice track, it's really relaxed while it keeps that disco feel. "Motor Finance Wizard" starts off really funky, and I love it. It's got a nice swing to it, and it's really fun to listen to. This is a really nice interlude, it's fun, funky, and weird. I don't think I could listen to it longer than the two minutes it was allotted, though. It works really well for where it is in the song though.

Finally, "Skwiver Line" starts off sounding like it could be a beat from Discovery. It is, yet again, really bouncy. This time, however, it doesn't really retain the dark feel that some of the songs earlier on the album had. This song feels like a combination of Pretty Lights, Discovery, Royksopp, and 8-bit at some parts where it's really sparkly and bitty. I am absolutely in love with the drum beat in this song, and the guitar sample after the two minute mark. This song has a really nice funk sound that jumps in on occasion, and has a little sonic battle with another really funky instrument. I love it. This song is definitely my favorite, I only wish it were longer so I could hear more from it.

That's the first half of this album, and it's just wonderful. I think anyone who thinks that what I described would be something they would listen to, should definitely also check out Faux Pas' other albums. They're all really quite something. The remix album is fantastic, I just have a soft spot in my heart where I am absolutely in love with dark sine waves and funk elements. Enjoy!

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